Welcome to De Geus Translations

Dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s in science and technology

A language can cover so many subjects that no single person can be expected to know every vocabulary, let alone to have full command of the relevant jargon. Every man to his trade, in the translation business as elsewhere. It takes a specialist to master the translation of scientific and technical texts. De Geus Translations is that specialist.

Dutch into English and vice versa

It makes good sense to have a translation done by a native speaker of the target language. On the other hand an unerring interpretation of the source material is at least as important. Only a truly bilingual translator can offer a guarantee that every nuance of a text will be caught and translated in full detail. De Geus Translations gives you that guarantee.

Established in 1986

You want to be certain that your text is in safe hands. You also want to feel confident that the translation text will stand up to scrutiny, that the subject matter has been correctly rendered, and that the language strikes the right note. It may help you put your mind at rest to know that De Geus Translations has been producing scientific and technical translations of the highest standard for 39 years.
Strict data security and a comprehensive knowledge of the tools of the trade come included.

Clients get the added protection of unambiguous Terms and Conditions and compliance with the European Standard NEN-EN 15038 Translation services – Service requirements.